On The Wight Bestival ticket competition winner announced

You know they say that hard work pays off? Well in this case, it’s certainly true.

When we were thinking about the On The Wight competition to win two tickets to Bestival, we wanted, as we always do, to do it differently.

A new slant on competitions
The approach of many to a competition can be, ‘The less people that enter this competition the better, because I then stand a better chance of winning’. Undeniably there’s some logic in that thinking.

Well, we thought we’d turn that on its head – we constructed a competition that rewarded you for sharing it as widely as possible.

The more people that you let know about it who went on to enter the competition, the greater the reward for the originator, as they’d be given another entry in ‘the hat’ each time, giving them even more chance of winning the prize.

One lucky lady
In this case, the hard work of one particular woman brought another 28 people into playing the game, so she increased her chance of winning 28 times.

When we closed the competition at 5pm today, we pressed the ‘Pick Random Entries’ button on the Facebook App created for the competition and, well blow me down, her name came out.

Heidi Wagstaff, get packing girl, you are going to the ball, well Bestival. Perhaps it should be BestiBall?

Not only is she getting absolutely free entry, but she’s scored double, getting to take a friend too. We’ve got a strong feeling that Heidi might suddenly become one of the most popular people on the Isle of Wight.

Have a great time there Heidi.

Win a luxury break for two in Chicago
We really wish we’d have been able to give you all tickets (Did you hear the rumour that Stevie Wonder has been given 300 guest passes – that’s a lot of close friends).

Don’t despair – we’ve got amazing competition to win a luxury five day break in Chicago, USA! The winner will be staying at the Fairmont Chicago Millennium Park where rooms start at $219 PER NIGHT!

You can enter on the Web now.

Edit: Corrected mix up with hotel name.

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