Has Island Roads really reopened Undercliff Drive? Confusion over suggested diversion route (updated)
13, August 2013·1 min readVentnor Council to enter discussions over 25 year lease for Coastal CentreVery positive news for the future of the Coastal Centre in Ventnor.
2, August 2013·1 min readSale of many Isle of Wight council assets to be consideredDisposal of several council assets will be considered at the September cabinet meeting, according to the latest Forward Plan.
31, July 2013·1 min readPublic welcome to Overview and Scrutiny Committee meetingWhy not pop along and see how the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, who keep an eye on decisions made by the administration, works.
11, April 2013·4 min readAmendments to minutes of a Scrutiny Panel resisted by chairmanSome may wonder why the chairman of a Scrutiny Panel decided that a full record of the meeting being recorded in the minutes was not necessary.
27, February 2013·1 min readDinosaur Isle: Decision deferred until after local electionThe decision to transfer Dinosaur Isle of another provider won't be made until after the local elections.
24, January 2013·1 min readDecision on future of Isle of Wight Music Service imminentThose working within the Isle of Wight Music Service will be waiting with baited breath for Cllr Cousins' decision
18, October 2012·1 min readDecision date on disposal of former school buildingsDecisions being made in next two months on disposal of four former school buildings
18, October 2012·1 min readDecision date for Isle of Wight Music Service announcedA decision won't be made until January 2013.
19, July 2012·1 min readBlackgang Car Park: 'Mysterious' Potential Purchaser RevealedBlackgang Chine revealed as the potential special purchaser of the viewpoint car park
18, June 2012·1 min readFuture of Floating Bridge To Be ConsideredFuture options to be considered by the council with a decision date of October. No background papers are available yet but we'll let you know once we hear more.
18, May 2012·1 min readRyde Theatre Up For Sale Again?Disposal of Ryde Theatre added to the Forward Plan. Decision to be made at August Cabinet meeting,
9, May 2012·1 min readCouncil Trying to Sell Off Blackgang Viewpoint Car ParkAre the council really planning to sell of the Blackgang viewpoint car park to 'protect local tourism'?