Pappa Clip: London Olympics To Make A Profit

A day earlier this week, another extract from ‘Parliamentary Perambulations’ submitted by Pappa Clip. Ed

Pappa Clip: London Olympics To Make A ProfitFollowing on from last week’s announcement that the Queen intends opening Buckingham Palace as an entertainment venue, the Government issued today more of its plans to reduce the financial deficit.

“First of all there will be substantial changes made to the arrangements for the forthcoming Olympic Games,” the Secretary for Cultural Affairs announced.

“Instead of being staged at the special arenas at present under construction, they will be held at various suitable venues already in existence. Venues such as public houses, swimming pools and meeting halls etc.

Many bodies and organisations already on board
“Already certain entertainment chains, local councils and others have expressed an interest. These will be, of course, charged a reasonable rent for hosting any such event – perhaps as a percentage of their anticipated profits from entrance fees, hire of equipment, beer and refreshment sales etc.

“Money so far spent on the Olympic stadium will not be wasted however. In fact, everything dovetails quite neatly with our plans for re-siting both the Houses Of Parliament and The Royal Household away from the centre of London. One to the Stadium and the other to the Dome at Greenwich.

Buck House Up For Rent
“This will allow the former Parliament buildings to be transformed into the Central London Centre For Muslim Culture – a wish strongly expressed by our friends of another faith – And Buckingham Palace to be utilised as the Queen has already announced.

“All in all we expect to be able to announce, in the not to distant future, a significant reduction in our financial liabilities as a result of these re-arrangements. Together with a noticeable – and invaluable – addition to the richness of our cultural heritage.

“In the meantime of course, the National Health Service will continue to be ring-fenced.”

Image: Bradley Gee under CC BY 2.0

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