Pappa Clip: News From Up Country No.1

An excerpt from The Midland Evening Peripheral. Submitted by Pappa Clip. Ed

A dispute has arisen between the County Council and Sewerditch Parish Council concerning the arrangements made for the resurfacing of Mudthumper lane between the Parish Church and Clayclog Crossroads.

As part of its privatisation plans the County have awarded the contract to the newly formed construction Company, O’Malley and Bros. Present address Clayclog Lower Meadow, Sewerditch.

Tarmac experts
“We have no objection to Mr O’Malley as such.” explained the Parish Council Chair, Mr Arbuthnot (‘Taffy’) McDonald. “They’ve laid sufficient driveways around here to show they know their tarmac well enough.

“No, what gives rise for concern is the matter of the Lower Meadow, which is where the O’Malleys are supposed to store their equipment when it’s not in use. That bit is all very well – perfectly understandable. What we don’t like is that they have now moved in a dozen or so rather large caravans, all of which appear to be family homes. And they seem to be taking an inordinate amount of time to complete the contract.”

When these points were put to Mr O’Malley he pointed out rather truculently that his gang needed somewhere to prepare and eat their meals and somewhere to shelter from the rain.

A bargain is a bargain
And on the issue of the time taken for the job, he explained they had run into unforeseen difficulties because of the poor state of the roadway base they had uncovered.

“We won’t be charging any extra though, even if we’re stuck here for a year or more,” he added. “We’re honourable people and a bargain is a bargain.”

We hope that you’ve enjoyed another of Pappa Clip’s spoof articles.

Image: Paolo Camera under CC BY 2.0