Pappa Clip: Scrapyard Turned Down as Heritage Site

More news items submitted by Pappa Clip. As always, you need to confirm them for yourselves. Ed

Pappa Clip: Scrapyard Turned Down as Heritage SiteIt was announced today that a well known Island scrapyard will not after all be classified as an Island Heritage Site.

After receiving confirmation of the Council’s decision Mr Conflatius Pike, owner, expressed his intense disappointment and anger.

“After all” he pointed out, “the Island is littered with derelict mill sites and farmyards, all showing off their collections of scrap agricultural machinery. And all regarded as of value to our Holiday Trade. Why not rusty cars? What’s the difference? We have some really interesting relics for people to look at if only we were given the chance. I know for a fact the coach companies are crying out for more places to drive to where holidaymakers can eat cream teas and photograph each other.

“It’s a potential money spinner thrown out, I suspect, because I’m not a Tory. Or a Freemason. Or a golfer. Or part of the sinister ‘in’ clique that governs the Island.Or a Methodist. Or anything. The ordinary working man don”t stand a chance.”

Image: Mister Aitch under CC BY 2.0