Pappa Clip: The Second Island Seat

We’re very pleased to welcome back regular contributor Pappa Clip. Here’s his latest spoof, taken from the Westminster Wangler. Ed

two chairsThe announcement that the Isle of Wight is to be awarded a second Parliamentary seat has given rise to much speculation here at Westminster.

Given the undoubted fact that any Tory placed there will be assured of a job for life, there are conflicting views on how best to use it.

Show us your toes?
Should it for example be granted as a reward to a long serving and loyal servant of the party, there to enjoy the quiet evening of his life?

Or to some member who is unfailingly guaranteed to toe the party line? (plenty of candidates there, of course)

Some feel the Prime Minster himself should have it, to relieve him permanently of any need to answer to troublesome constituants. Whilst a particularly robust campaign is being mounted to put Home Secretary Ken Clarke there.

“Let’s see how he gets on with his early release ideas when he’s got to share an island with the b*gg*rs,” a certain elder statesman was heard to mutter.

Image: Sam Howzit under CC BY 2.0

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