Bembridge beach

Parish council astonished at ‘negative spin’ over beach ‘blacklist’

Bembridge Parish Council have written a stern letter of complaint to the Environment Agency over recent press reports revealing that Bembridge beach has been placed on a Blacklist by the Environment Agency.

The reports suggested that 45 beaches across the UK, including Bembridge, may face closure next year because of sewage contamination.

Detrimental impact on the local economy
The parish council say the press reports could have a detrimental impact on the local economy and argue the publicity is “extremely premature considering the bathing water directive changes do not come into force until the end of the season in 2015, well over a year away”.

The letter reads,

Bembridge Parish Council are astonished to find the report in the Sunday Times dated 16th March 2014 entitled ‘Kiss me quick before 45 beaches close’ and the references made by South Today aired on 17th March 2014 following an interview given to them by the Environment Agency.

The negative spin in these reports are detrimental to Bembridge in a number of ways for our local economy. This interview and publicity is extremely premature considering the bathing water directive changes do not come into force until the end of the season in 2015, well over a year away.

Bembridge Parish Council has raised a vast amount of concerns regarding the data and classifications proposed by the Environment Agency. The answers provided have been somewhat unsatisfactory. The cause of the pollution cannot be sought. There are no patterns to the data just ‘episodic’. The monitoring point is under question as to whether it meets the requirements of a regularly used bather’s beach and it is located next to a storm drain. There is no information on effects to human health or reported medical problems (as
it is not within the remit of the Environment Agency) even though the aim of the bathing water directive is to protect bathers.

The need to raise awareness is fully appreciated but unfortunately this in our opinion is not raising awareness to assist us with improving the rating. It’s simply made negative and untrue conclusions about Bembridge beaches which could have a catastrophic effect on our local economy.

It is felt that the working group who are currently meeting quarterly need to be meeting more frequently to work towards improving the rating in Bembridge before the end of the season in 2015. The Parish Council are more than willing to meet more frequently and work towards improvement in the rating and raising awareness effectively.

The Sunday Times article
Click on the full screen icon to see larger version

Image: Simon Haytack under CC BY 2.0

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27, March 2014 7:00 pm

A pity that Bembridge PC is not more worried about sewage apparently emanating from houseboats and visiting craft the Harbour, eventually washing up on the Point Beach at full tide. (I would not let my dog swim anywhere between the harbour and the point itself.)

Highway to Hell
Reply to  Cynic
27, March 2014 7:44 pm

‘Apparently’, so not: “Flowing freely and clear for all to see”
Please ensure facts are correct prior to posting comments.

Furthermore, the Harbour and The Point are one of the same and within the remit of the Bembridge Harbour Authority.

Again, why let facts get in the way of a good story / comment…

Reply to  Highway to Hell
27, March 2014 9:01 pm

As H2H says “why let facts get in the way of a good story/comment.” or a comment on a comment (From “Viewpoint Bembridge- A Plan for the Future” Survey 742 responses, 34.8 response rate- compared to the usual 10-15& for this type of survey.) (from Section 6 Bembridge Harbour) Q5 How concerned are you about…4.3 Sewage in the Harbour? 273 responses (i.e. 37%) “Bembridge Harbour Improvement Company…wants… Read more »

Island Monkey
27, March 2014 9:50 pm

I wouldn’t let my dog swim there either. Spin or no spin, sewage is sewage. The Parish Council would be well advised to clean up their beach.

sam salt
Reply to  Island Monkey
28, March 2014 7:21 am

Island Monkey, the Parish Council do not own the beach, it is all in private ownership. The question with regard to sewage is one I am no expert on but it is my understanding that this problem was, (or maybe still is), caused by the houseboats and visiting yachts. I believe that the new harbour owner, who is working hard to clean up the harbour, has taken… Read more »

Reply to  Island Monkey
28, March 2014 8:16 am

jalo’s belief that “the Parish Council do not own the beach, it is all in private ownership.” is mistaken. Private ownership of the beach extends only to the high-water mark from the land. The rest and the seabed is owned by Crown Estates. Local owners fronting the beach like to perpetuate the myth of the extent of their ownership rights. It is correct that BHIC no longer… Read more »

Highway to Hell
Reply to  Cynic
29, March 2014 8:45 am

I think you will find that a PC or indeed a Town Council, can only produce a byelaw on grounds that they own, not land / grounds /roads that are the responsibility of the Isle of Wight Council or any other land owner. JALO clearly states that the new harbour authority is working hard to sort out the houseboat sewerage issue, so why state that they have… Read more »

Reply to  Highway to Hell
29, March 2014 9:15 am

(from Minutes of Bembridge PC 17 Sept 2013.
“Some houseboats do not have sewage treatment and this should be enforced.
Visitors to the harbour should also be informed that they should not discharge.”

Who would do the enforcing and how?

sam salt
Reply to  Cynic
29, March 2014 11:26 am

Cicero, it should be the harbour owner, he is the land owner but how he would enforce it I have no idea. Perhaps when he has built the new houses he proposes he will have more money to take matters such as this in hand. It cannot be easy to fund the huge project he has taken on but he is doing a good job at the… Read more »

Reply to  Cynic
29, March 2014 12:29 pm

Probable cost oflaying s public sewer along the Embankment….???

probable cost of connecting a houseboat to the public sewer…about £1000

sam salt
Reply to  Highway to Hell
29, March 2014 11:24 am

I believe Cicero and HTH that you might both be incorrect about the beach and high water mark. I have been told and also seen documents where it clearly states that Bembridge is one of the few places in the UK where private ownership is down to low water mark. The Crown accepts this. Cicero you state that I missed the point in my earlier missive and… Read more »

Reply to  sam salt
29, March 2014 12:43 pm

I would be grateful if jalo could pls point me at the documents that indicate the Crown Estate is not the owner of the The Bembridge foreshore.

sam salt
Reply to  sam salt
30, March 2014 9:44 am

Morning Cicero. I would gladly point you to the documents however the papers were seen by me whilst working for a client and the documents belong to the client. It is not difficult however for you to research this. Documents of ownership can be obtained from Land Registry which would then given you the information you are looking for. I suppose you could also ask at the… Read more »

Reply to  sam salt
30, March 2014 10:47 am

Thanks for the pointers jalo and I understand the client confidentiality bit from personal experience over many years.

You are right about the EA. In fact, it also makes me wonder about the effect of ownership on the legality of the Marine Bembridge Marine Conservation Zone being proposed (consultation not due until 2015!).

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