five pound note

PCC to recommend £5 increase in local council tax precept to help fund police

This in from the office of Police and Crime Commissioner, Michael Lane, Ed

Following public support for his recommendation of a £5 increase in the funding local residents provide for policing in the Hampshire Constabulary area, Police and Crime Commissioner Michael Lane will be taking this recommendation to the Police and Crime Panel for consideration on Friday 27 January.

2,800 residents responded to the Commissioners’ consultation asking what level of funding they would be willing to contribute to help keep Hampshire, the Isle of Wight, Southampton and Portsmouth safer now and in the future.

A solid majority in favour
A solid majority of 79 percent of people* said they were would be willing to fund an increase of £5.

An increase of £5 per year for a Band D (3.12%) generates an extra £3.3 million for Hampshire Constabulary. It means current national funding is protected, allows the current level of neighbourhood policing to be maintained and will enable some further enhancements and modernisation to police services.

Michael Lane said:

“The precept decision for 2017/18 needs to take into account both the immediate and medium term resourcing requirements that enable Hampshire, the Isle of Wight, Southampton and Portsmouth to be safer now and in the future. A £5 increase will put us in a stronger position to meet the immediate risks and continue to respond to the ever increasing complexity of crime.

“However, even with this, and future projected increases in council tax, it is estimated that if national government funding for policing continues to be worked out in a way that is unfair we will be facing a funding shortfall of £23 million a year by 2021.”

* The question ‘Do you agree with my recommendation of a £5 increase’ was answered by 1,547 people

Image: armydre2008 under CC BY 2.0

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