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Police Commissioner proposes £1pm council tax increase

This in from the office of Police and Crime Commissioner, Michael Lane. Ed

Police and Crime Commissioner, Michael Lane, will be putting his proposal for a £12 per year increase in the amount a Band D household pays for policing to the Police and Crime Panel on Friday 26 January 2018. The proposal follows the Government giving Police and Crime Commissioners additional flexibility in December 2017.

Michael Lane said:

“I routinely ask the public their views on policing. Over the last few months I have specifically been asking residents in Hampshire, the Isle of Wight, Portsmouth and Southampton how much they would be willing to pay towards the cost of policing from the local precept for 2018/19 (the coming year).

“The outcomes of this consultation showed me that our communities are very supportive of our police force and as such are willing to contribute a greater amount. This helps us to respond to the continuing pressures from demand and changed criminal activities, enabling the Constabulary to continue to be a modern and operationally effective and to keep us all safer from the greatest threats and risks of harm.

“Based on the public consultation results, and informed by the professional judgement of the Chief Constable on the resourcing she needs to minimise risk, I will be putting to the Police and Crime Panel my proposal for an increase of £1 per month for a Band D Household.

“With 61% of council tax payers in the Hampshire Constabulary policing area residing in properties that are Band A-C the majority of people will see an increase of less than this.

“I should be clear that even with this increase the Constabulary will still need to make savings in the next financial year, and in the years to come. With demand on the police continuing to increase and change it is clear that there will be a continuing need for innovation and development if we are to defeat those who wish us harm. This is a continuing journey to transform our police service into the future. The Chief Constable and I will continue to seek efficiencies by taking advantage of new technology, further collaboration with our partners and updating skills and approaches to deliver a policing service that is modern and operationally effective.”

Whilst council tax accounts for one third of Hampshire Constabulary’s funding, the other two thirds come from national government grant. The share each constabulary receives is calculated using a funding formula.

Michael Lane said:

“To keep us all safer in time of financial constraint is challenging, particularly when facing increasing and changing demand. The Government’s decision in December to provide the same amount of money for policing in 2018/19 as it did last year, and to allow greater contribution from council tax payers, was welcome recognition of this and is good news. It is progress. But it is not the end of the journey. Policing needs to modernise and business as usual cannot be sustained. I have regular conversations with the Chief Constable and with partners to explore what keeps us safer and this is what must be our focus into the future when any changes need to be made.

“Funding continues to be under enormous pressure, be in no doubt that I will ensure that effectiveness is not compromised in pursuit of efficiency. I will empower the necessary change to keep us effective in defeating those who wish us harm.

“As your Police and Crime Commissioner it has been one of my highest priorities to make the case to Government for a fairer national funding formula. This is accepted by Government and the necessary evidence to support this review was collected last year. I will continue to work hard lobbying the Government for this on the behalf of residents of the Hampshire Constabulary policing area to keep us all safer.”

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