Has Island Roads really reopened Undercliff Drive? Confusion over suggested diversion route (updated)
19, December 2012·2 min readBook Review: A Redbird Christmas, by Fannie FlaggJonathan just read A Redbird Christmas, by Fanny Flagg
19, December 2012·2 min readDouble Bill: Dave and The American PresidentJonathan Dodd watched... Dave and The American President
8, December 2012·1 min readFilm review: Salmon Fishing in the YemenJonathan just watched Salmon Fishing in the Yemen, by Lasse Hellström, read on to see what he thought.
7, December 2012·2 min readLiam Madden’s Film Reviews: Wuthering HeightsLiam reviews Wuthering Heights available on DVD at Ventnor Library
7, December 2012·1 min readBook review: The Man from Beijing, by Henning MankellJonathan just read The Man from Beijing, by Henning Mankell.
5, December 2012·1 min readArtistic trio join forces for new exhibitionThree Island artists have joined forces to present ‘Trio’ an exhibition of their work just in time for Christmas.
3, December 2012·1 min readDomestic Abuse exhibition shares heart touching workExhibition runs this week until Friday 7th December.
30, November 2012·1 min readLast chance to see: A Hundred Seas Rising Suki ChanYour last chanceto catch Suki Chan's exhibition at Quay Arts which finishes this Saturday
30, November 2012·1 min readLast chance to see: Martin Swan, Magie Gray and David RosewarneToday (Friday) is your last chance to see the exhibition at The Big Wight Space
27, November 2012·1 min readBook Review: PS I Love YouHannah shares her review of the book, P.S. I Love You by Cecelia Ahern
17, November 2012·2 min readBook Review: The Help, by Kathryn StockettJonathan shares his review of The Help
17, November 2012·2 min readLiam Madden’s Film Reviews: HugoLiam reviews Martin Scorsese's Hugo available on DVD at Ventnor Library