Love heart dealyboppers

Roses are red, violets are blue; if your new love moves in, tell the taxman too

This in from the HMRC, in their own words. Ed

HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) is reminding anyone claiming tax credits who has a partner moving in with them to say those three little words this Valentine’s Day … ‘Tell the Taxman’.

Tax credits customers need to let HMRC know of any changes in their circumstances – such as a partner moving in – as this can affect the amount of money they receive.

Don’t risk a criminal prosecution
HMRC estimates that around one in 10 claimants have not told it about a partner who has moved in with them. Those who don’t keep HMRC up to date about their circumstances risk getting an overpayment, a fine or possibly a criminal prosecution.

Nick Lodge, HMRC’s Director General for Benefits and Credits, said:

“Anyone claiming tax credits and moving in with a new partner should get in touch with HMRC.

“Moving in together can be a busy time, but make sure you don’t forget to tell the taxman or you could end up facing a penalty or even a prosecution.”

Notify tax man if split
Equally, should a couple decide it is not quite “happily ever after”, and separate, the claimant should call the taxman again, as a single claimant could be entitled to more money.

The best way to avoid a tax credits overpayment or underpayment is to tell HMRC about any changes to circumstances when they happen. HMRC is urging customers to let it know of any changes on 0345 300 3900 as soon as they take place.

Image: Helga under CC BY 2.0