Prime Minister Rishi Sunak attends Cabinet meeting

Letter: Sunak’s stance on redefining sickness: Concerns over outsourcing health assessments

News OnTheWight always welcomes a Letter to the Editor to share with our readers – unsurprisingly they don’t always reflect the views of this publication. If you have something you’d like to share, get in touch and of course, your considered comments are welcome below.

This from Hans Bromwich, Cowes. Ed

Rishi Sunak doesn’t want sick notes to be signed by GPs anymore. He’s said, ‘It’s time to stop over-medicalising everyday challenges and worries’.

Perhaps it is also time to stop under-delivering medical treatment that ensures people are well enough to work? The Nation’s health is, after all, directly linked to the health of our NHS.

Conservatives voting to increase welfare payments?
Sunak said he does not want to make the benefit system less generous for those with long-term sickness, but can anyone think of a single Conservative MP who has ever voted for welfare payments to rise inline with inflation?

Long-term sick signed off with depression and anxiety
The number of people considered to be economically inactive has risen by a third since Covid, with half of the long-term sick signed off with depression and anxiety.

Might depression and anxiety have anything to do with this government, and the misery they’ve inflicted with fourteen years of austerity?

Redefining the definition of ‘sick’
Rishi wants to redefine the definition of ‘sick’, and outsource the task of assessing health to agencies with targets to meet.

People with no knowledge or expertise in medicine determining whether people are physically and mentally well enough to work. I mean, what possibly could go wrong?

Taxpayers subsidising Multi-National companies
Half of those in work also receive benefits because their employer doesn’t pay them enough to live on, so the State has to step in to prevent mass starvation and homelessness.

Taxpayers subsidising Multi-National companies who pay peanuts in wages, and pay peanuts in taxes.

More than schools, transport or policing budgets
£69bn is currently spent on benefits for people of working age with a disability or health condition, that’s more than our schools budget, our transport budget and our policing budget.

It’s equivalent to two test and trace debacles, or the cost of a couple of Liz Truss’s kamikaze budgets.

14 years of catastrophic mismanagement and incompetence
Perhaps the real problem lies with this government, and fourteen years of catastrophic mismanagement and incompetence.

The truth is the Conservatives have lost the confidence of the people, satire abounds across social media, with many simply saying, stuff you.