Ryde Harriers: First place for Kath Levrier

Thanks to Tom for this report from Ryde Harriers. Ed

Ryde Harriers latest club night run offered another chance for athletes to take on the new 10km course.

There was a smaller than usual field due to the Ryde 10 race two days previously and many of the competitors were complaining of weary legs as they lined up. Runners love to get their excuses in early.

The race was a nominated competition with points for those closest to their stated time.

Winner was Kath Levrier who finished just nine seconds away from her nomination of 65.47. Second place points went to Pete Still who was 27 seconds out from his time of 49 minutes and new Harrier Elaine Parry came in third, she was 31 seconds faster than her nomination of 58 minutes.

Fastest on the night were Les Cupis and Tom Blackwell for the men who crossed together at 42.39. Fastest women was Mandy Womack with a time of 49.50.

Next run
The next Harriers club night will be a 5 mile nominated race on February 18th from Ryde Rowing Club. New runners always welcome!

Find out more on the Ryde Harriers Website.

Image: © Jake Norman