Safety of school meals questioned


When the horsemeat scandal broke recently, we got in touch Compass, with the parent company of Chartwells who supply school meals on the Isle of Wight.

Readers may have heard on Friday about one of their suppliers, Rangeland Foods who had discovered horse DNA in a raw ingredient labelled as beef at its manufacturing facility in Co. Monaghan, Ireland.

Reassuringly for Islanders, the company has now confirmed that this product was not supplied to any mainland UK sites.

“No contaminated products”
We have also received the following statement from the council, “The council’s school meals provider, Chartwells has received confirmation from all of the suppliers it uses that no contaminated products have been supplied. Chartwells has also confirmed that all the necessary safeguards are in place to ensure the traceability and quality of its food.”

Image: Horia Varlan under CC BY 2.0