Save Island Libraries: Plan To Empty Newport Library

We’re sure you all heard the news at the weekend of the library in Stony Stratford, Milton Keynes that had its stock lightened by 16,000 books, after library users emptied the shelves in protest at the proposed closure.

library booksCampaigners on the Isle of Wight, angry at the massive cuts to the library service are planning similar action this coming weekend.

It’s being suggested that library users target the Lord Louis Library in Newport and take out up to 30 books each this Saturday (22nd January).

Crime section the first to go
With the proposed closure of nine of the eleven libraries being described as a criminal act, campaigners recommend emptying the ‘Crime’ section of the library first.

Geoff Mason, Isle of Wight Stop the Cuts Alliance spokesperson said, “The Alliance calls upon as many people as possible to support this initiative from our friends in the Save Our Libraries group. A successful mass ‘book out’ would clearly demonstrate to County Hall decision makers what would happen if only Newport library was available to the majority of Island library users.”

The Alliance are also encouraging members of the public to attend the full council meeting to be held this evening at 6pm and to ask our local representatives some searching questions regarding the proposed cuts.

Get in touch
If you like the idea of clearing the library of books, please contact Cllr David George (Ventnor Town Council) who is helping coordinate this action.

He can be reached on 852540 or by email on [email protected]

Image: Ginnerobot under CC BY 2.0