Military Road, google maps view
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‘Save Our Military Road’ campaign gains momentum as residents call for preservation: Public meeting planned

A meeting is on the cards for local residents to discuss the future of the Isle of Wight’s iconic Military Road.

A gathering will take place at 4pm, at Seely Hall, in Brook, on Sunday, 11th February 2024.

It comes as a councillor fears a solution to save the coastal route, stretching from Freshwater to Chale, could cost millions.

Stuart: A critical transport link
Councillor Nick Stuart, for Brighstone, Calbourne and Shalfleet, the area through which the Military Road runs, says he has had ‘several lengthy discussions’ with the Isle of Wight council and the National Trust about it future.

He is planning a public meeting to hear the thoughts and ideas of those living nearby and said,

“The Military Road is a critical transport link for the West Wight and an iconic road for the Island.

“It is under severe threat and we want to see a solution that will preserve it for as long as we can.”

Holes – or voids – have recently opened next to the highway, shutting a footpath.

It has prompted calls from Islanders for something to be done and Councillor Stuart says the Isle of Wight council and National Trust are ‘behind preserving the road’.

Stuart: £30 million to save the road
Councillor Stuart, who is seeking selection as the Liberal Democrat candidate for the West Wight at the next general election, said,

“We are looking at a possible cost of close to £30 million [to save the road].

“Given the appalling reduced support the Island has had from our taxes paid to central government, the non-arrival of the fabled Island Deal and that local funds will not stretch this far, we need to take the message to Parliament.”

Facebook group
The newly-created “Save Our Military Road” Facebook group has garnered more than 2,000 supporters in a few days.

This article is from the BBC’s LDRS (Local Democracy Reporter Service) scheme, which News OnTheWight is taking part in. Some alterations and additions may have been made by OnTheWight. Ed