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School so badly damaged by fire it will be demolished

This in from the council, in their own words. Ed

The fire at the Island Learning Centre at Lake is extinguished. Fire investigations have begun to ascertain the cause of the fire; fire and police investigators remain on site as part of the ongoing investigation.

The Island Learning Centre building has, unfortunately, been lost and will be demolished. The council has secured the site. Heras fencing has been set up surrounding the site and 24 hour security is on site until further notice. Access to the site, which is considered dangerous, is strictly prohibited.

Affected staffed have been briefed
Thirty-seven staff are affected and have been briefed. The school currently has 62 pupils on register. Pupils and families will be updated as information becomes available throughout the coming days and weeks – information will be accessible via the learning centre’s Website.

A helpline (01983) 823494 was available until 4pm on Friday 17 July for families, parents and pupils of the school. After that time, enquiries should be directed to the Isle of Wight Council on (01983) 821000.

The Island Learning Centre – a centre for Island children who have been referred to the centre by mainstream provision for a variety of reasons – is an Isle of Wight Council owned site.

Temporary site for new term
Initially, for the new term in September (starting Thursday 3 September) a temporary site will be arranged. This location is yet to be agreed.

Headteacher at the Island Learning Centre, Tom Pegler, said:

“I would like to say a huge thank you to the emergency services, parents, carers, pupils and the local community – and it is our intention to fully support the children and staff through this period and have our school up and running again for 3 September.”

Executive member with responsibility for the fire and rescue service, Councillor Phil Jordan, said:

“Our emergency services on the Island have once again responded magnificently to a significant incident, and I would like to place on record our deep gratitude for their commitment and professionalism throughout last night’s events.”

Image: morgaine under CC BY 2.0

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