hedgehog in hand:

See live Hedgehogs at the Red Squirrel shop in Ryde

Thanks to Helen from the Red Squirrel Trust for this latest news. Ed

Come and visit us in our shop between 10am and 1pm on Wednesdays if you want to learn about, and possibly, see hedgehogs. The Red Squirrel shop is easy to find as it’s opposite the Catholic Church garden in High Street, Ryde.

‘Hedgehog lady’, Jacquie, is in the shop most Wednesday mornings to listen to your hedgehog tales and give advice if you have hedgehogs in your garden. Sometimes she brings a live hedgehog along and says she aims to bring one along on 13th May.

You can also pop in to tell us about your red squirrels or any other woodland wildlife.

Visit our shop
The shop is run by The Isle of Wight Red Squirrel Trust whose aims are ‘To promote and educate the general public about red squirrels, their habitat and the animals they share it with’.

Call for volunteers
We are also keen to hear from volunteers so we can open the shop on other days and for longer.

Contact Helen on 611003 or email: wightsquirrels @hotmail.com if you are interested.

Image: sergebystro under CC BY 2.0