Coins and a five pound £5 note
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Shanklin Town Council provides slight reduction in precept, while keeping services and projects on track

For a third year in a row, Shanklin residents will pay less towards their town council bill.

Shanklin Town Council (STC) has been able to reduce its precept, meaning a Band D household will pay an average of 11p less — at £89.41 a year.

STC: A duty to help residents
STC said it has a duty to help residents with a reduction, while not cutting back on services – especially as money was tight for many.

The precept will help pay for beach safety arrangements, public toilets and flowers in town.

It will also provide a dedicated fund for town improvements, an increase in the monies that could be given to good causes, and school crossing patrols.

A drop from 2021 precept
The precept has fallen since 2021 by £1.25, after residents faced a 10 per cent hike in 2020.

A STC spokesperson said prudent financial and contractual management meant the authority was in a very fortunate position where they did not need to increase the precept, and in fact provided a slight reduction.

Lack of borrowing kept costs down
They also attributed a lack of borrowing to fund projects — like new public toilet buildings and a community library — which has helped keep liability costs down.

In neighbouring Lake and Sandown, precepts for residents are skyrocketing up by 90.1 per cent and 49.9 per cent respectively.

Band D precept cost
It means a Band D household in Lake will pay £98.50 a year (a £46.67 rise on last year) and Sandown Band D taxpayers will pay £218.40 (a £72.70 increase).

The town council precept also sits on top of increased fees for the Isle of Wight Council, police and fire services.

This article is from the BBC’s LDRS (Local Democracy Reporter Service) scheme, which News OnTheWight is taking part in. Some alterations and additions may have been made by OnTheWight. Ed

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