close up of fifty pound notes spread out on surface

Share your view on how the Isle of Wight council’s budget should be spent

Islanders are being invited to give their views on how the Isle of Wight Council should spend its money next year.

The annual budget consultation is now underway — seeking feedback from all residents about the priorities they want to see in the coming year (2022/23).

Your view on how money should be spent
short and focused survey seeks to understand how Islanders would prioritise spending for the next financial year.

Further engagement sessions are also being planned for the New Year for people to be able to discuss the budget and their thoughts about it. Details of events will be published during the consultation period.

Costs of £400 million
The council expects to spend around £400 million in the next financial year on areas including schools, social care, refuse collection, street cleaning, planning, regeneration and road maintenance.

In line with the council’s financial strategy, £3 million must be saved next year as government funding continues to be reduced. 

Peacey-Wilcox: Insufficient government funding
Council leader, Cllr Lora Peacey-Wilcox, said,

“Insufficient government funding levels and increases in demand for care services have forced the council to make continuous savings and cuts in previous years. Up to April 2021 we have had to make cumulative savings of more than £86 million.

“Following those years of insufficient government funding and with inflation currently at 4.2 per cent and rising, we are trying to keep services running and to provide value for money.

“Despite substantial increases in social care costs, the government has also cut the maximum additional council tax we can levy for adult social care services from three per cent to one per cent.

“The Alliance administration realises the Island cannot rely on government for any substantial financial assistance that will materially alter our current financing and has, as a result, adopted a new positive strategy focused on locally-driven income generation. 

“A range of innovative initiatives are being developed that build on natural assets of our beautiful Island, capitalise on our council land and other resources and fully utilise our professional staff and external partners. 

“These will take time to plan and put into practice but work is underway as they represent a real prospect of driving recovery and benefitting all Islanders.”

Budget options will be published in February 2022.

Give your feedback
In the meantime, views of all Islanders are encouraged by 21st January 2022. Feedback can be sent online. Printed copies of the survey will also be available. 

Cllr Peacey-Wilcox added,

“Your views will be taken into account and will help to inform what we do as we plan to set a legal and lawful budget for 2022/23.”

News shared by Isle of Wight council press office, in their own words. Ed

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