Snow In Ventnor! – Photographic Proof

Snow In Ventnor! - Photographic Proof

Well literally shiver me timbers. There’s a turn up for the books – snow. Would you Adam and Eve it? In Ventnor. Snow.

As many of you will know, there was a blanket of snow quickly laid on our fair streets this evening. Complete with the accompaniment of lightning cracking out to sea.

It lay thick(ish) for at least 10 minutes. Just about the right amount of time for me to decide to get out of my seat, grab the camera and tripod, get my shoes on and get outside – all to see it gracefully eroding. It’s lasting a little bit longer than last year, though.

Our daughter made requests to a higher power – any higher power – to let it multiply by the morning. Time will tell if she managed to connect.