Young person receiving a vaccination

Solent NHS Trust offers catchup immunisation appointments for school age children this summer

Solent NHS Trust’s School Age Immunisation (SAI) service is encouraging the parents and families of school age children who missed any of their routine vaccinations in term time to now come forward and arrange a quick and easy catch-up appointment during the summer break.

School age immunisations play an important role in protecting the youngest members of our families and communities from contagious viruses and diseases such as the human papillomavirus (HPV), measles, mumps and rubella (MMR), tetanus, diphtheria, polio, meningitis and seasonal flu.

Year-round to vaccinations
Solent’s SAI service works year-round to vaccinate pupils on the Isle of Wight along with those in Portsmouth and Southampton cities by running vaccination sessions in school settings for those aged aged 4 (in reception year) to 16, and up to 18-year-olds in special educational needs schools.

The service also offers community clinics for children and young people who are educated at home or in other settings and who are not currently in education, all in accessible locations.

Munro: Our dedicated nurses are ready
Jackie Munro, Chief Nurse, Solent NHS Trust, said,

“For those who missed the opportunity earlier this year, our dedicated nurses are ready and waiting to provide catchup vaccination clinics for the HPV vaccine, the 3-in-1 tetanus, diphtheria and polio booster, MMR and flu vaccines for your child.

“Our teams want to make staying up to date with immunisations as easy and accessible as possible.

“Appointments can be booked by contacting our team on email, using the corresponding address for the area you live in.”

These are listed on the SAI section of our Website.

News shared by Solent NHS Trust, in their own words. Ed

Image: CDC under CC BY 2.0

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