Southen Vectis Lose Bestival Contract (updated)

Way back in November last year VB had a tip off from a reader suggesting that Isle of Wight bus company Southern Vectis might have difficulty in renewing their transport contract with Bestival organisers.

Southern Vectis logo:Each year since the festival first started, Southern Vectis have provided bus services to and from the festival site at Robin Hill Country Park.

We got in touch with Bestival HQ at the time and were told that an announcement would be made in the New Year. Several months on and we have today received the following statement from Bestival organisers.

Unable to meet criteria
They told VB, “They [Southern Vectis] were invited to tender for the contract and were not able to fulfil some of the criteria required in order for us to operate an effective service for our customers.”

We awaiting details of which bus company have been awarded the contract 2012 and will update this article once we hear back.

Update: New provider announced
The Bestival Website has released details of who will be providing the service in 2012 as follows,

“Following Bestival 2011 we completed a full review of the Shuttle Bus Service between ferry ports and the festival site. We have worked closely with our new service provider and the ferry companies to totally revamp the service for 2012.

“During Bestival this year Big Green Coach will be operate dedicated shuttle services to make it as easy and hassle free as possible for you to get to the Bestival site (and back again).”

Update: Response from Southern Vectis
We got in touch with Southern Vectis for a comment, they told VB, “A spokesman for Southern Vectis said that the company would continue to support the Bestival by offering support of vehicles if needed outside of the contract and wish the event organisers every success.”

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3, October 2016 6:37 pm

Isn’t this the one where I put 2 appreciative comments, one in anticipation, the second after attending the event yesterday?

Reply to  Sally Perry
3, October 2016 8:12 pm

Ah, thanks Sally

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