St Marys huge map close up

St Mary’s roundabout: Here’s every detail of proposed new road layout (Updated)

The Isle of Wight council is canvassing views on the first phase of a £9 million project to improve traffic congestion in Newport are being sought by the Island’s council.

The initial stage is designed to reduce delays near St Mary’s roundabout – with further phases being investigated for other traffic bottlenecks in the town, including Coppins Bridge.

The plans

View the extremely large detailed map of
the proposed new road layout (beware it’s 5Mb).

huge version of the map

See below for phase by phase extreme detail about what’s planned for the new road layout at St Mary’s roundabout, Medina Way.

Site Set-Up and Mobilisation
A works compound will be created on site between Medina Way and Parkhurst Road where stores, welfare and management facilities will be located.

PHASE 1 – Medina Way Southbound
Estimated Duration: 10 Weeks
The proposed works are to consist of widening the existing carriageway to create an additional southbound running lane, the construction of a realigned public footway and all required St Mary’s Hospital accommodation works.

The traffic management for this phase is to consist of a lane closure with all southbound traffic using the outside lane on the approach to St Mary’s Roundabout.

PHASE 2 – Medina Way Northbound
Estimated Duration: 5 Weeks
Phase 2 is to run concurrently with Phase 1, albeit with a staggered start date.
The proposed works are to consist of new carriageway construction and the realignment and re-kerbing of the central reservation where required.

The traffic management for this phase is to consist of a lane closure with all northbound traffic using the inside lane when passing through the works site.

PHASE 3 – Medina Way Southbound
Estimated Duration: 5 Weeks
Phase 3 is to commence upon the completion of Phases 1 and 2.
The proposed works are to consist of new carriageway construction, traffic island construction and the realignment and re-kerbing of the central reservation where required.

The traffic management for this phase is to consist of a lane closure with all traffic using the newly constructed inside lane on the approach to St Mary’s Roundabout.

During carriageway surfacing all traffic may be required to use the western most carriageway where a two-way traffic system will be implemented.

PHASE 4 – Medina Way Northbound and Forest
Road Entry / Exit Lanes
Estimated Duration: 8 Weeks
Phase 4 is to run concurrently with Phase 3.

The proposed works are to consist of new carriageway construction and kerb realignment works (forming a slip lane and new entry and exit Lanes into Forest Road). Also included in this phase will be footway widening works to the western footway, formalising a proposed shared use path from Forest Road through to the controlled pedestrian crossing to the south.

The traffic management for this phase is to consist of a lane closure with all northbound traffic using the outside lane when passing through the works site. The Cowes slip lane, linking Forest Road to Medina Way, will also be closed for the duration of the phase.

During carriageway surfacing all traffic may be required to use the eastern most carriageway where a two-way traffic system will be implemented.

PHASE 5 – Forest Road Eastbound
Estimated Duration: 4 Weeks
The proposed works are to consist of widening the existing carriageway to create an additional eastbound running lane and the construction of a realigned public footway with controlled pedestrian crossing point. This phase will also continue the construction of the Forest Road / Medina Way links that commenced during Phase 4.

The traffic management for this phase is to consist of a lane closure with all eastbound traffic traveling along Forest Road diverting onto the westbound lane and continuing through to St Mary’s Roundabout. All westbound traffic will use an alternative signed diversion route.

PHASE 6 – Forest Road Eastbound
Estimated Duration: 3 Weeks
The proposed works are to consist of carriageway and footway construction completing the proposed highway link from Forest Road through to Medina Way. This phase will also complete the the proposed controlled pedestrian crossing on Forest Road.

The traffic management for this phase is to consist of a lane closure with all eastbound traffic returning to traveling on the correct side of the carriageway. However, rather than continuing through to St Mary’s Roundabout traffic will continue onto Medina Way on the newly constructed carriageway link. The junction of Forest Road and Medina Way will be controlled by temporary traffic signals. As per Phase 5 all westbound traffic will continue to use the signed diversion route.

PHASE 7 – Hunny Hill, Parkhurst Road & Forest Road
Estimated Duration: 5 Weeks
The proposed works are to consist of widening and realigning the existing carriageway from Hunny Hill / Parkhurst Road through to St Mary’s Roundabout. These works will include the relocation of the existing bus stop and shelter and the installation of a new controlled pedestrian crossing on Parkhurst Road. This phase will also begin the construction of the new junction from Parkhurst Road into the proposed Parkhurst Road cul-de-sac (leading to Whitesmith Road).

The traffic management for this phase is to consist of a full road closure at Hunny Hill / Parkhurst Road with all traffic using signed diversion routes. During this phase of the works eastbound and westbound traffic will use the newly constructed links between Forest Road and Medina Way (controlled by temporary traffic signals). Access will be maintained to all businesses and residential properties during the period of the closure via a signed diversion route.

PHASE 8 – Parkhurst Road (Cul-de-sac)
Estimated Duration: 3 Weeks
Phase 8 is to run concurrently with Phase 7.

The proposed works are to consist of realigning the existing carriageway to two lanes, incorporating a layby for on street parking and constructing a new turning head facility.

Alterations to the existing public footway will also be undertaken to facilitate all existing vehicle crossings whilst formalising a new shared use path.

The traffic management for this phase is to consist of a full road closure at Hunny Hill / Parkhurst Road with all traffic using signed diversion routes. During this phase of the works eastbound and westbound traffic will use the newly constructed links between Forest Road and Medina Way (controlled by temporary traffic signals). Access will be maintained to all businesses and residential properties during the period of the closure via a signed diversion route.

Potential Additional Works:
PHASE 9 – St Mary’s Roundabout
The proposed works are to consist of installing traffic signals on St Mary’s Roundabout along with building out the existing central islands on three of the four approaches. The traffic management for this phase is to consist of lanes closures, temporary traffic signals and night working.

Questions arising on the phasing
After reading through the detail about phasing, OnTheWight posed a number of question to the council. Below are the responses.

Q. Do phases 5, 6 & 7 run concurrently, if so, what with? Or ‘upon completion’, if so what with?

A. Phase 5 cannot run concurrently with phase 6 which is dependent upon the advanced completion of phase 5. There is scope for phase 6 to run in tandem with phase 7 although those phases do not necessarily need to be implemented in tandem. The decision about timing of the two will depend on conflict or otherwise with Island events.

Detailed phasing will also be developed further during the consultation period and further information will be included in the report to Cabinet at which a decision will be taken.

Q. How long might Phase 9 take? Would it happen only after other phases are complete?

A. No decision has yet been made about whether or not phase 9 would be implemented as a part of this scheme (or in fact any decision about whether or not the wider scheme will be taken forward). If such a decision was made the works which would take up to three weeks could be constructing in tandem with phase 8 but it is likely that the works would take place overnight.

Site Demobilisation
Upon completion of the works all temporary site accommodation, traffic management, plant and equipment will be removed. All landscaping works will then be completed.

Island Events
During Cowes Week and the Isle of Wight Festival works on site will be scaled back to maximise capacity on the network for vehicle movements.

Have your say
Island Roads will be undertaking two days of on-site consultation on 30 and 31 January 2018.

The mobile exhibition unit will be parked on the foot-way area outside number’s 49 and 51, Parkhurst Road, Newport between 2pm and 7pm, where the scheme details will be on display. Island Roads representatives will be at the unit to answer any questions you may have and will also have forms available for you to provide feedback which will also be used to inform the final scheme design

In order to inform the final design and to make sure the views of local people and businesses have been considered, the council is asking you to email your thoughts to : [email protected] and use the heading ‘St Mary’s Junction’.

Alternatively you can post your comments in writing by 21 February to:

Bill Murphy
Head of contract management
St. Christopher House
42 Daish Way
Isle of Wight
PO30 5XJ

Start of feedback: Wednesday 24 January 2018.
End of feedback: 5pm on Wednesday 21 February 2018.

Update: IWC gave a reply to the posed questions on the 24th. Added on 2 Feb.

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