Solar farm in a field with blue sky behind

Large new solar farm and battery storage planned on Newport border

Isle of Wight residents are invited in two information events next week to see plans for a renewable energy park on land to the south west of Wootton Common.

Named Sunny Oaks Renewable Energy Park, the plans developed by Ridge Clean Energy, consist of a solar farm and battery energy storage system which will be located on both sides of Whiterails Road, just east of Butterfly World and north of Briddlesford Lodge Farm.

Public exhibitions
The first event will be held on Tuesday 3rd May between noon and 8pm at Riverside Centre, Newport Quay PO30 2QR.

If you can’t make that one, another will be held between 11am and 6pm on Wednesday 4th May at Wootton Bridge Community Centre, Brannon Way, Wootton PO33 4NW.

RCE say that refreshments will be provided.

Ridge Clean Energy
According to Companies House, the British/American owners of Ridge Clean Energy, Marjorie and Dine Glasgow, own a number of other energy companies across the country. Read more about them on their Website.

You can see the Ridge Clean Energy Website for more information.

Image: zbynek burival under CC BY 2.0