Swanmore Middle School: School Reorganisation Public Meeting

Text that follows is taken directly from the Isle of Wight Council Website:

Whilst we want as many people as possible to attend the meetings and to tell us their views, it is important to note that due to strict health and safety laws, numbers of visitors at each venue will be limited. We advise anyone who plans on attending a meeting to arrive in good time. Each meeting starts at 7pm.

If you are planning on attending the first public meeting, please be aware that parking at Osborne Middle School is limited. Isle of Wight Council apologises for any inconvenience this may cause. If people are unable to attend a meeting due to capacity being reached at the respective venues, we will endeavour to arrange for a second meeting to be held in the area at a future date, should the need arise. In this case, a new meeting will be advertised.

Your views are important to the consultation process and the series of meetings arranged will provide you with an opportunity to ask questions and share your thoughts on the options.

If you have not done so already, we would encourage you to fill out the questionnaire in the consultation booklets or online by clicking here. If you require any further information, you can ring the council on 821000.

There are 10 meetings scheduled to take place at various different locations across the Island over the next three weeks. A full list of the public meetings is shown below.

* Thursday 24 January — Osborne Middle School
* Monday 28 January — Ventnor Middle School
* Tuesday 29 January — Forelands Middle School
* Thursday 31 January — Medina High School
* Monday 4 February — Sandown High School
* Tuesday 5 February — Swanmore Middle School
* Wednesday 6 February — Carisbrooke High School
* Monday 11 February — Ryde High School
* Tuesday 12 February — West Wight Middle School
* Wednesday 13 February — Cowes High School