The Photographer’s Ephemeris: A Tool For Landscape Snappers

We know that there are _loads_ of keen photographers on the Isle of Wight, as we’re constantly amazed at the quality of the shots we see, and do what it can to expose their work to VB readers.

The Photographer's Ephemeris: A Tool For Landscape SnappersSome of the great shots are those of sunrises and sunsets, so if you like to take those, we’ve got a useful tools for you.

Christian Beasley got in touch this morning with details of an application that can tell you the direction and times of the Sun rising and setting from any point of the Island, based on the time of year.

Photographer’s Ephemeris
It’s called the Photographer’s Ephemeris* and not only does it do all of that for the sun, but it does the same for the Moon too.

The application’s developers describe it as

“A tool to help with the planning of all types of outdoor photography, but particularly landscape and urban scenes.

It is a map-centric sun and moon calculator: see how the light will fall on the land.”

There’s a free version that you can use on your computer, or if you’re an iPhone user, you can get mobile with a pay-for version.

It looks pretty smart – and we assume correct.

The Photographer’s Ephemeris

Thanks Christian for the tip!

(* – Ephemeris defined: “an annual publication containing astronomical tables that give the positions of the celestial bodies throughout the year.”)