UKSA Buildings

UKSA approved as ‘Special Purchaser’ for Cowes Youth Centre

Further to last week’s Delegated Decision Report, calling for approval for UKSA to be treated as a ‘Special Purchaser’ of the former Cowes Youth Centre, a Delegated Decision Notice has been issued today.

In the absence of Cllr George Brown, leader of the council, David Pugh approved the decision.

Option 1 – THAT UKSA be treated as a special purchaser for the freehold of Cowes youth centre, the IYWAC building and the assignment for the lease of Whitegates Pontoon, with the transfer being conditional upon a new lease being simultaneously completed between UKSA and IYWAC.

Option 3 – THAT the terms of any disposal of Cowes youth centre, the IYWAC building and the
assignment for the lease of Whitegates Pontoon be consistent with the outcomes listed in paragraph 31 of the report.

The report with full details is embedded below for your convenience.

Image: © UKSA

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