Empty boarded-up property

Understanding the Isle of Wight council’s revised strategy for empty properties

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In a proactive step towards optimising local resources and increasing the supply of affordable housing, the Isle of Wight council has undertaken a review of its Empty Property Strategy.

Though it’s not a statutory requirement, councils are encouraged to have such a strategy in place.

The value of a framework for action
Having an Empty Property Strategy serves as a beneficial guide for actionable items, providing a robust framework for addressing housing needs and community requirements.

Affordable housing remains a key area of the council’s Corporate Plan.

Recognising the value in utilising existing structures, the Housing Strategy pushes for reintroducing empty residential properties into use.

The number of empty properties
Of the 72,359 residential properties on the Isle of Wight, an estimated 956 sit empty (based on Council Tax records).

The council defines a property as empty if it remains vacant and unfurnished for a period of six months or more. It does not include second homes; a dwelling in the process of being redeveloped or a dwelling where the owner is living elsewhere for care.

109 empty for more than two years
The number of homes empty for six months or more stands at 639, with most being sold or re-let within a year.

Only a marginal number, about 109, have remained empty for over two years.

The vision for empty properties
The Empty Property Strategy envisions turning these long-term empty homes into quality, affordable homes for local residents.

This initiative aims to not only address the housing shortage, but also to mitigate the adverse effects empty properties can have on local communities.

A multitude of additional benefits
Implementing this strategy would also generate additional benefits for the council and the community at large.

These would include the detection of fraud or recovery of unpaid council tax, reduced criminal activity and anti-social behaviour, and addressing the blight caused by unsightly properties.

A strategic push for the Empty Homes Agenda
Papers for this week’s Corporate Scrutiny Committee explain that the Empty Property Strategy is instrumental in promoting the agenda of empty homes.

Members of the committee will meet from 5pm on Tuesday (11th July) prior to the Cabinet’s decision-making meeting on Thursday (13th).

Pushing the boundaries of affordable housing availability
Through this Strategy, the council says they’ll have a strategic approach to push the boundaries of affordable housing availability, making the Isle of Wight a more welcoming and vibrant community for everyone.

To ensure its continued alignment with the broader corporate objectives, the council will keep the Empty Property Strategy under regular review.

The paper for the meeting can be found below, embedded for your convenience.

Image: http://underclassrising.net under CC BY 2.0