Stop the cuts march:

Unite the Wight: Rally against the austerity cuts

The ‘Unite the Wight: Against the Austerity Cuts’ rally/picnic takes place in Newport this Saturday (20th June).

Head to Church Litten to find out more about how austerity cuts will affect the most vulnerable in our society.

Cuts will affect us all on some level
One of the organisers of the event, Fran Heath, says,

“It’s been reported that 28% of the children on the Isle of Wight are living in poverty, and our seven foodbanks provide emergency food and support to around 500 people every week.

“In the budget on 8th July, the Conservative government will be revealing their plans for the £12 billion of cuts to the welfare budget, which will no doubt increase the numbers of the vulnerable in our community.

“Those expected to be most affected are the under 25s, the sick, the disabled, working people on a low income, pregnant women, single parents, and large families.

“There will be a further £13 billion of cuts to other departments.

“These cuts will affect us all on some level. The local council will be allocated less money, forcing them to make savings. We’ve already lost tourist information offices, public toilets, Blue Flags from our beaches, youth clubs, libraries and bus routes. What next?

The People’s Assembly are organising a national anti-austerity march in London on Saturday. For those who’d like to show their support but can’t make it to London, we will be having an Against the Austerity Cuts rally/picnic in Church Litten, Newport, at midday.

“It will be a family event so please feel free to bring your kids.

More details over on Facebook Group

Image: Nick Efford under CC BY 2.0