Update on Skate Park Refurb

Thanks to Alison for sending through an update on what’s been happening down at the skate park.

Repairs are ongoing, albeit slowly. This Sunday there is a clear up session from 12midday, if anyone would like to help and digging of post holes.

The new fence will be the next to go up and then preparation of ground, before the ramp can be put back. After that the new flooring will laid. Work will be going on most Saturdays and Sundays from 12midday – contact Rob Chuter on 853216 if you can help in any way.

All the work is being carried out by volunteers from the StreetStyle group as well as other people. Money for materials, insurance etc is being raised in all sorts of ways. There is not money for contractors etc so it will take a couple of months before the initial work is completed and longer for all the plans to be finished.