ventnor community foodbank shelves when full

Ventnor Community Foodbank’s desperate plea for food donations

In almost two years of operating as an independent foodbank – Ventnor Community Foodbank yesterday experienced their busiest morning ever.

They helped eleven households – seventeen adults and seven children, but their cupboard is almost bare.

Tony McCarthy explained,

“We desperately need tinned goods – soup, baked beans, vegetables, potatoes, rice pudding, fish, and custard. Jars of coffee, bags of rice, jars of jam and marmite, men’s shaving foam and razors, shower gel and dog food.

“Items can be dropped off at our donation points, which include, the Coop, Tesco, Carnaby Tea Rooms, St. Catherine’s Church and Norris Stores in Niton and at the Baptist Church.

“Thanks to all our amazing volunteers and donors for supporting this project.”

Ventnor Community Foodbank does not require a voucher or referral and are open every Tuesday and Thursday morning from 10am to 12pm noon at Ventnor Baptist Church, Pier Street.

Call on 07862 247694 or send a message on social media.

Tony added,

“Thanks to Five a Day for supplying fruit and veg, Ventnor Co-op for food donations and our landlords at Ventnor Baptist Church. Please help us to make a difference in these very difficult times.”

Image: VCF’s shelves when not empty