Vestas Protest: Update From Marine Gate (photo gallery)

Things are hotting up down at Marine Gate next to the Vestas plant in Newport. Those following the protest will know that a successful blockade was set up last week on public land next to Marine Gate.

It is anticipated that several blades which are ready to ship will attempt to be moved onto barges on the River Medina so protesters have set up a 24hr blockade by the riverside.

We understand that yesterday Police removed one tent from the blockade which had been filled with cement. It’s also understood that there was one arrest and another person banned from the site after receiving a dispersal order.

The protesters did not let this deter them and during the night a large tripod was erected (pictured) which is currently being manned by one of the Vestas insiders, Dave Arbuthnot (Arbo).

We’ll keep you up to date with the news as it happens.

Thanks to Jax for the photo above and many thanks to LoisLane999LoisLane999 for photo gallery

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