Vestas Sit-in: Day 3 Phone Call To The Inside (podcast)

We chatted to Mike again this morning and asked him how those doing the sit-in got on last night, as we had yesterday.

Vestas Sit-in: Day 3 Phone Call To The Inside (podcast)The big surprise was that Vesta had provided the people doing the sit-in some food which consisted of a few sandwiches, an orange, a cereal bar and a can of drink.

When we asked about why he thought Vestas had changed their approach to giving them food, Mike said the thought it was the pressure from the media.

Mike said that Vestas aren’t negotiating with them at the moment.

Vestas have said that they’ll be sacked for taking industrial action and aggravated trespass.

We were surprised to hear this as we understood that they had gained access using their swipe cards. Mike confirmed that they had got in without any violence, adding that the ‘aggravated’ part was down to Vestas accusing them of stopping works at the factory.

He said from their point of view, they have no problem with people coming in to carry out work, “we don’t want to stop people working if they want to work. It was never our intention.”

As the press release had just come in from police saying that they weren’t stopping food getting to those doing the sit-in, we read it to him.

Mike was keen to point out that he thought that the police had been really good and that it was the Vestas management that had been stopping the food, not the police.

Morale was up 110% after last nights rally and the arrival of the food.

Mike finished by praising all of the people how were outside Vestas for their support and asking people to go along to the rally tonight.

Darn. Not sure why, but this audio is choppier than before. Anyway, have a listen …