Yarmouth Primary School

Visit Yarmouth School and share your memories

For all those with connections to Yarmouth School, an initial visit to the school site on Friday 3rd February (between 10am-11am) has kindly been offered by the Isle of Wight council Strategic Development Officer.

In order not to exclude people who work or have childcare commitments, an evening visit has also been requested, but no date yet given.

Share your memories of the school
Thanks so much to all those offering memories, photos and ideas for the book about Yarmouth School and its people.

Please do continue sending contributions and getting in touch.

There will be more opportunities to meet old friends and acquaintances at CHOYD (Community Hall of Yarmouth District) on St James Street once the weather has improved.

Warm space
Meanwhile the ‘Warm Room’  at CHOYD is open on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.

For more information contact Jill Cowley [email protected] or call (01983) 760 327.

News shared by Jill in her own words. Ed