Walking Festival A Huge Success

Auntie P Walks The WightWe love positive stories, so it’s wonderful to hear from IW Tourism that the recent Isle of Wight Walking Festival was a huge success.

In it’s 10th year, the festival attracted record numbers of visitors with 265 walks that took place between the 3rd to 18th May.

Given the success of the festival, the Council have decided to host another smaller walking festival in October (first half term weekend Friday 24th-Monday 27th).

Named the Celebratory Walking Weekend there will be approximately 30 individual events held over the long-weekend which include a Meditative Walk, another Ventnor Wild Food Walk, Nordic Walking plus the chance to meet like-minded people on another speed-dating walk. Woo hoo!

Elaine Cesar, Event organiser for the Isle of Wight Council, said: “Perfect weather has encouraged so many people to step out and take part in our fantastic programme of walks and it looks like this could be our busiest festival ever. One of the new walks in this year’s programme was an ‘Enchanted Amble’ when in excess of 90 people turned up, many of whom enjoyed a fantastic cream tea afterwards, courtesy of the Enchanted Manor in Niton.

“Many of the walkers I spoke to can’t wait to return and have already booked their accommodation for the 2009 event.”

If want to make sure that you’re around for next year’s festival, stick 9-24 May 2009 in your diaries.

Keep an eye on the Walking Festival website for more info.

Image: One of the views you’ll see if you Walk the Wight, courtesy of Auntie P