Watch out for localised flooding today

At least one road traffic incident has been already reported today (see our Twitter stream) and we’re told there is surface water on many of the Island’s roads, so please take care when driving today. This in from the Police, in their own words. Ed

Hampshire Constabulary is advising drivers to take extra care around coastal roads today as rain and high tides increase the potential for flooding. The Met Office is forecasting heavy downpours today.

Coupled with high winds and a high tide at lunchtime, that could lead to localised flooding in coastal areas.

Drivers should take extra care in these conditions and consider the following advice:

  • Driving in rain means a driver’s stopping distance will double on a wet road.
  • Motorists should ensure that they maintain a safe distance and slow to a safe speed, as there will be a reduction in tyre grip.
  • If steering is suddenly unresponsive then it probably means that water is preventing the tyres from gripping the road surface properly, so brake slowly and gently in order to slow down.
  • Rain and spray from other vehicles may make it difficult to see and be seen. Drivers should therefore keep well back from the vehicle in front, and maintain a safe distance.
  • On flooded roads, don’t attempt to cross the water if it is too deep. If you must cross, drive slowly in first gear and keep the engine speed high to help prevent stalling.
  • Avoid the deepest water, normally nearest the curb, and remember to test your brakes after you drive through water by pressing down on the brake pedal gently.

The Isle of Wight Council is making sand bags available for collection at the following locations:

*Cowes: St Mary’s car park
*East Cowes: Well Road roundabout/junction with Castle Road
*Ryde: Westhill Road/junction with The Strand
*Binstead: Pitts Lane
*Yarmouth: Long stay car park
*Newport: The junction of Quay Street/Sea Street

Image: Cof Gabriel under CC BY 2.0

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