Festival bunting:

Westfest set to rock primary school

Thanks to Sara for sharing details of this upcoming event. Ed

A new mini-festival is set to take place in the West Wight as a local primary school turns its summer fundraising event into a spectacular festival, complete with bands, entertainment and seasonal fun.

Organised by V-Dub
Weston Academy in Totland are staging ‘West fest’ on Thursday 17th July and are preparing to welcome the local community to enjoy an afternoon and evening of top festival entertainment – without the usual ticket costs.

Organised by the V-Dub’s festival team and a small group of parents, Westfest promises to be a fun filled afternoon of music and events at the bargain price of £2 a ticket!

PTFA organiser, Sarah Blazeby said,

“We’re very excited that the V-Dub’s team are coming to Weston to create ‘Westfest’. It gives local people the opportunity to enjoy a festival without going far from home or paying high ticket rates.”

All welcome
The festival will provide a great afternoon’s entertainment for children and families, with all local residents welcome.

Head teacher Angela Collins added,

“Westfest combines the traditional fun of a summer Fayre, from coconut shies to candy floss, with some amazing music and top class professional acts into the bargain.”

A prize draw is also being held, with top prizes including cash, ‘Planet Ice’ tickets and vouchers for a massive number of local businesses, keen to support the venture.

The event is open to all and tickets are available from 14th July at Weston Academy school office or on the day at the festival gate – all are welcome!

Image: joffaboy under CC BY 2.0