What Happened on IW Radio The Phone-In

Alex DykeWe’ve broken our embargo to listening to Dyke this week and bet that Alex Dyke never thought that VentnorBlog would be praising him, but he did a fantastic job of managing the phone in today (they say with their tongues firmly in their cheeks).

After a slow start, Alan Wells got the full force of people’s frustration at the council and there were a few wobbly moments, but with Alex’s help, he managed the hour and came off air at 12.58 with, we expect, a huge sigh of relief.

We’re not sure, but maybe the Comms Department will be presenting Alex a suitable reward.

It started out with Dyke and Alan Wells talking for the first 13 minutes, then an advertising break and at 12.15 he claimed that no-one had called yet. Then, literally in the next breath, all of a sudden there are four calls lined up. Hmm.

Here are some of the highlights.

12.15 Rob
The first caller was Rob from St Helen’s. He talked about the school consultation meeting that was held the previous evening, and asked why the councillors didn’t attend.

Once Rob started asking awkward questions about why the school was to be closed and whether the land was going to be developed on, Alex moved swiftly onto the next caller.

12.21 Don
Never a man to mince his words, next up comes Don. An old regular on the phone-in, who has had a run in or two with Alex over the years, but doesn’t let that stop him getting his point across.

He boldly starts the conversation by saying how he is sick and tired of what he hears councillors saying and that people probably aren’t calling the phone in because they feel the same way.

He continues “The council allows unelected officers to run amok and do as they like with no sanctions or disciplinary action against them if they do anything wrong.”

To this point Alan Wells replies that they do allow officers to manage things when it comes to technical issues.

Don went on to state that the way that the electorate is being treated equates to the councillors and officers sticking two fingers up at them.

He skips off the subject of education and moves swiftly onto a subject close to a few people’s hearts – Planning!

He stated his disgust that there is a senior planning officer still working at the council, making decisions, despite many complaints against him. For Don, and many, it’s time that disciplinary proceedings took place against this officer.

With that off his chest, Don went on to explain that for some time he has been trying to arrange a meeting with David Pugh and Planning, pointing out that, in fact, David promised this meeting some weeks ago, when he last appeared on the phone-in. Many emails later and there is still no date set.

Alan Wells denied any knowledge of who the officer is that Don referred to and promises to chase DP about the meeting.

Don’s conclusion is that he believes David Pugh is being bullied by a senior officer at the council to not hold this meeting. Wonder whether airing this in public will result in a meeting being arranged.

12.25 English Pete
Opening with the line “You’re sounding a lot more contrite today Mr Wells, normally you’re bubbling over with arrogance,” set the tone.

He claims to have knowledge that … “the Conservative Party HQ have hauled you and Pugh over the coals over way you have acted in a dictatorial manner towards the people of the Isle of Wight.”

He went on to state that in his opinion Pugh and Wells have waged a war against the parents, children and staff of the Isle of Wight.

Cllr Wells responded by denying being pulled over the coals but confirmed they had met with party HQ in February.

Pete went onto state that unquestionably the problems in High Schools are due to ill-discipline and disruption. This was discussed at length.

12.33 Phil
Next up is one angry man. Phil starts by saying how disgusted he is listening to Wells “You lot are killing this bloody Island. Can’t you see what you’re doing?”

Unfortunately, we were told that Phil was unable to control his language and was taken off air. Dyke had to then faff about with the 7 second delay on and goes to another advertising break.

12.37 Faff
Dyke then filled more time by explaining in detail about the 7 second delay – using much needed question time.

During this delay kerfuffle, Dyke then reads out an email …

“Is the delay in deciding on the schools issue due to legal objections in process?”

Wells stated that he didn’t know of any legal objections to the public consultation and it was certainly not the reason for the delay.

Alex then went onto question Wells about the reference to the HQ meeting.

Wells responded that it had been a ‘positive meeting’ with Michael Gove at Tory HQ. HQ had received lots of enquiries from Island people and wanted to know what was happening, so they had gone along and explained the situation. Apparently, Michael Gove has offered to come to the Island and do PR ‘stuff’.

“Certainly not a wrist slapping meeting by any means.”

12.40 Phone-in resumes
Dyke tells us that we can start calling again but then goes on to fill air time with his own views on the state of the Island.

12.41 Jill Wareham
Jill started by saying how pleased she was to be able to ask questions in public and not have to ask one question only such as at full council.

She stated that she believed the Conservatives were making education into a political football having lost sight of what this was about – raising standards. She felt that the whole situation is causing huge anxiety for parents, children and staff.

Dyke hurried Wells along with his answer, because Barry was holding on line 2.

Wells was pleased to be able to agree that the Conservatives also do not want to make the situation a political football.

He claimed the reason for making the decision was because questions were being put to them (in the CP) about the timing being around election etc, they wanted to put an end to the uncertainty.

Jill finished by urging the public to make their feelings known on this subject.

12.45 Barry in Yarmouth
Barry was ‘totally gobsmacked by Alan and Jill’.

He was confused by all the different ideas for the schools that the Conservatives have had since they came into power. He is worried that if they get back in, things might change again.

Wells responded by confirming that plans had been spelt out clearly and had received consulting time, etc and that they would continue with proposals. He did state that they were still listening to the public, and keen to hear of any views that they may not have taken account of.

12.49 Sarah – retired teacher
Alex asked her to be quick and for Wells to respond quickly as they have to take an advertising break (funny how this wasn’t the case during the Ventnor regeneration phone-in which had no ad breaks).

Sarah was keen to point out that high school teachers work hard and look forward to having two extra years to work with children after the tier changes, so they are better prepared.

She went onto the explain that responsibility of bad behaviour lies with parents and society and not just schools.

12.50 Advertising break

12.53 – Alex tells listeners not to call in as he has a queue of callers

12.53 Frank
“Why are you sacking all middle school teachers?”

Wells answered by stating that they are not sacking any teachers, but it was just a technicality.

He went on to say that he hoped to redeploy all middle school teachers in either the primary or secondary schools depending upon what their training was and that they do need the teachers.

He admitted that it is not an easy time for the demoralised middle school teachers.

12.55 Terry in Sandown
Terry was concerned about the tranches of housing populating the Island and consideration not being taken in terms of infrastructure.

He felt that there doesn’t seem to be cohesive picture for future populations.

Wells responded by confirming that they have looked at where the growth is and that has been factored in to process of re-organisation

12.58 Dyke signs off as they “had to go to the news,” unlike other times where they’ve run-over by up to 20 minutes.