Life Without Alex Dyke: It’s Dreamy

Alex DykeThank goodness the need to listen to Alex Dyke‘s phone-in show has been removed, now the initial public consultation was ended by the vote at County Hall last week.

Not having to listen to him yesterday makes us realise how much better life is without him. It’s like removing a poison from the room.

We’re aware that old Dyke-y has been foisting his ‘skills’ on the people on the Wight for many years, but it’s disheartening to know that such a low standard of ‘entertainment’/discussion should be the formula that the Island has to put up with.

Many who have called his programme will know that he isn’t open for a discussion, if you happen to stray outside his narrow view of the world.

Some of us who have not been given air-time view this as a badge of pride – we’d rather not be associated with someone with such disgusting views.

A number of people have said to us that what’s needed is an alternative – a place where people are free to express their views without being cut-short, spoken over, or having their perfectly-legitimate views ridiculed by Dyke and his side-kick, the Doc.