Wightlink Islanders ‘aiming to do one better this time’

Thanks to Bryn for this latest update from the Wightlink Islanders speedway team. Ed

Wightlink Islanders joint boss Chris Hunt, boosted by the return of his skipper Ben Hopwood after a lengthy spell out injured, has confirmed that the team are looking to go flat out to build up a healthy lead when they clash again with Suffolk side Mildenhall at Smallbrook tonight (Tuesday), start time 7pm.

Ben Hopwood:It should have been in the second leg of the National League KO Cup semi-final reply but the scheduled first leg up in Suffolk fell victim to torrential rain all day on Sunday and that will now take place, tomorrow hopefully.

So it’s up to the Wightlink Islanders to build up as big a lead as possible tonight to take with them and joint team boss Chris Hunt is confident his side can do just that and is urging fans to turn out in force to cheer them on.

He said,

“We came so close to getting through to the final last week, but it’s now up to us to go one better this time and our fans can help by roaring them on as they did last week.”

The first race tonight gets underway at 7pm, and the Wightlink Islanders are aiming to do the Island proud!

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