dave stewart

Call for Isle of Wight council leader and MP to promote Votes at 16

Will Matthews, the Youth and Student Officer for Isle of Wight Labour Party, has written to Leader of the Isle of Wight council, Cllr Dave Stewart, asking for his further support on the Votes at 16 issue.

Last month the Isle of Wight council voted to support a motion (read live coverage) put forward by Cllr Geoff Brodie seeking to support votes for 16 and 17 year old Islanders.

Following the vote at full council, Will has this week asked Cllr Stewart to do the following:

  • Write to the Isle of Wight’s Member of Parliament, Bob Seely, informing him of this motion and asking he lobby the Government to support it.
  • Write to the Electoral Commission to inform them that the Isle of Wight Council is calling for the voting age to be lowered.
  • Write to the British Youth Council to have the Isle of Wight Council added to the Votes at 16 Coalition.

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He also asks for the Leader’s help in encouraging young people to take an active part in our democratic society by:

  • developing a youth engagement project in educational institutions and as part of youth projects working with the Isle of Wight Youth Council, the youth service, schools and colleges
  • promote and continue to support votes at 16
  • encourage each Councillor to engage with students at local schools, colleges and youth projects as part of the youth engagement project.

He ends by saying,

“Every major political party in England supports Votes for 16 and 17 year olds, with the exception of the Conservatives, we at Island Labour will continue to keep up the pressure to give our young people a voice, I hope you will be able to join us.”