Youth Reorganisation Plans Announced

Following the CP’s report yesterday that many youth centres across the Island are set to close, this just in from the council. Ed

Following extensive consultation, Isle of Wight Council has published its final youth service proposals.

The plans set out what is proposed to change area by area, centre by centre and service by service. They have been shaped following consultation which ran from August to December 2009.

The council announced proposed changes to its youth service because youth centres have seen a steady decline in popularity, with many activities often not meeting the demands of modern youths.

A better service
Colin Peak, Isle of Wight Council Director for Children and Young People services said the new proposals will mean a better service. He said: “Youth services have moved away from your traditional activities in a building in a town or village centre.

“Twenty years ago this did meet demand but the world has changed a lot since then and will continue to change over the next twenty years.

“We need a youth service designed to meet modern needs, one that embraces modern technology and trends and also reflects the diversity in local communities.

“Following the consultation, we have taken in all the views expressed and come up with proposals for a new youth service that we feel will meet the needs of our young people.”

Isle of Wight Council Cabinet member responsible for Children’s Services Dawn Cousins said “The proposals will deliver a service that is more inclusive, more integrated and focusing on better targeted activities.

“This is moving away from the typical hiring of buildings and running your traditional activities. Providing youth services does not necessarily mean they all have to be indoors”

Public briefings
A series of informartion briefings have been organised to give the opportunity for people, volunteers, services and groups to come forward to work together with the council to provide a greater range of things to do and places to go.

Councillors will decide when and how the plans will be implemented at an IW Council Cabinet meeting in February 2011.

The information briefings are being held at the following locations and times:-

  • Monday 22 November 6pm to 7.30pm Queensgate Primary School, East Cowes
  • Tuesday 23 November 6.30pm to 8pm Cowes Youth Centre
  • Thursday 25 November 6pm to 7.30pm Ventnor Youth Centre
  • Monday 29 November 6.30pm to 8pm Sandown Youth Centre
  • Wednesday 1 December 6.30pm to 8pm Ryde Youth Centre
  • Wednesday 8 December 6.30pm to 8pm Newport Youth Centre
  • Monday 13 December 7pm to 8.30pm West Wight Youth Centre

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