Some of the independents:

Independent councillors will abolish the ‘dictatorial’ decision-making system

This in from Island Independents, in their own words. Ed

Inspirational Framework for Change Launched Today!

Island Independents today released the final pre-election version of their “Framework for Change”. They propose to abolish the dictatorial system that governs the Isle of Wight Council today and put in its place a more inclusive consensus based model that will enable every Ward to be properly represented in the construction of policy and in the making of decisions that affect every one of us.

Island Independent Coordinator Ian Stephens said:

“This sets us apart from the limited view of the Party Political candidates who follow the manifestos of their national Parties. This document shows that we have thought innovatively and creatively about the issues we face and that we are taking a more holistic approach to improving the Island.”

He went on to say:

“This is our defining moment. It is the culmination of our shared journey that proves we have very real and achievable ideas. It demonstrates our connection with grass-roots people, with fresh ideas about alternative ways of doing things more efficiently and effectively. We have pooled our experience, our knowledge and ideas to create a document that is rich and diverse.”

New focus on self-sustainability initiatives
Besides introducing a whole new way of deciding policy and decision making, there are twenty pages of proposals, which include regeneration of the Islands economy and a new focus on self-sustainability initiatives: Transition; the use of council land for innovative community led food production projects and revisiting the feasibility of an Island abattoir.

As you would expect the main statutory services that have been badly affected by the Conservative cuts will be the main priorities for the immediate attention of an Independent administration, with practical help for schools in raising standards and a restoration of Children’s Services management from Hampshire as soon as possible. Toilets, lifeguards and tourism are also headlined.

No plans to raise Council Tax
There are no Council Tax rises planned and these would be limited to inflation in future. Ian Stephens said:

“It is a sad fact that the last four years have not been about money but Party Political dogma. Whilst we recognise there are huge challenges ahead, we are confidant that the Island Independents have different priorities and the energy, skills and experience to deliver a better future for the Island. We strongly believe that by putting People before Politics we can harness the support and commitment necessary to open a new dynamic chapter for the Isle of Wight.”

The full version of the “Framework for Change” is embedded below for your convenience. Click on the full screen icon to see larger version.

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