£5,000 needed to help Poppy communicate

Eight year old Poppy Dorling has Rett Syndrome (what’s this) and is confined to a wheelchair. She cannot communicate by talking or signing and requires extensive medical care.

Her friends and family have been fundraising this year in order to raise enough money to purchase an eye gaze computer that will enable Poppy to be able to communicate through eye movements.

As if often the case in this situations, the cost of the equipment is beyond the means of the family, it costs a whopping £13,000.

Just over £5,000 left to raise
We understand that over £7,000 has already been raised, but around £5,600 is still required before they can buy Poppy the equipment she needs.

Friend of the family, Christine Ward, has set up a Facebook group to raise awareness and hopefully enough money between now and the end of the year to enable Poppy to have the best Christmas present ever, the ability to finally communicate with her family and friends.

For more information, details of fundraising events and how you can help pop over to the dedicated Facebook group.