Healthcare person preparing the vaccine

94 per cent of over 60s on the Isle of Wight now had first Covid-19 vaccine

The Isle of Wight has the highest Covid-19 vaccination rate across the Hampshire region.

In figures released today (Thursday) recorded by the National Immunisation Management Service database, the Island tops the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Sustainability Transformation Partnership table for having a higher percentage of the population vaccinated.

94 per cent over 60s
With 94 per cent over 60s on the Isle of Wight receiving their first dose, the NHS Clinical Commissioning Group Isle of Wight (CCG) sits above the other CCGs in the partnership, including Southampton (85.7), Portsmouth (92.5) and North Hampshire (93.2).

As more and more people are invited to have their first doses, including the latest cohort of those aged 55 to 60, a total of 70,296 doses have been given — with 6,558 done in the last week (between 28th February and 7th March).

56.9 per cent of 16+
The data, published by NHS England, shows 56.9 per cent of the Island’s 16+ population have had their first vaccinations.

In those aged 60 and over, 94 per cent of the population, or 47,591 people have had their first dose. For those under 60, 30 per cent have had their first jab, equating to 20,655 people.

Second doses
The rollout of the second vaccine is yet to really get underway as only 26 people have been given their second doses in the week ending 7th March, taking the total number to 2,040 second doses given on the Island.

It has been the national view to immunise as many people as possible with the first dose to protect people from the more severe symptoms of Covid-19.

More vaccine offers can be stood up
There is a model in place, however, for the roll out of the second vaccine on the Island and should it be needed managing director of the NHS Clinical Commissioning Group Isle of Wight, Alison Smith, has said more vaccine offers can be stood up to help increase capacity.

So far, 352 second doses have been given to the under 60s and 1,688 to those over 60.

According to figures, 91.2 per cent of those in older adult care homes on the Island eligible to have had their first dose, 1,188 people, have done.

88 residents had Covid-19 in last 28 days
However, 88 residents have had Covid-19 in the last 28 days (prior to 7th March) so have been unable to have a vaccine.

In the older adult care home staff, 1,623 have had their first dose or 76.4 per cent. Although 275 staff members have been unable to have their vaccine due to having the virus in the previous 28 days.

This article is from the BBC’s LDRS (Local Democracy Reporter Service) scheme, which News OnTheWight is part of. Read here to find about more about how that scheme works on the Island. Some alterations and additions may have been made by News OnTheWight. Ed

Image: baltimorecounty under CC BY 2.0