The man responsible for overseeing drug purchases for 17 Isle of Wight GP practices has been dismissed following an investigation after he was caught on video in a newspaper expose.
Labour councillor, Geoff Lumley, says that with Planning Services "being slashed to the bone" he worries another huge housing development will be beyond their capacity to manage.
Isle of Wight NHS issue a warning to stay away from hospital and care homes if you've experienced diarrhoea and vomiting in the last 48 hours. The rest of us need to ensure we keep our hands clean to avoid spread of the outbreak.
OnTheWight has discovered that the person who bought the Winter Gardens from the Isle of Wight council for just £1, can now sell the venue on, if he wishes.
We know it sounds like click-bait, but this really is amazing! Someone's built the whole of Ventnor Seafront out of life-sized 1m blocks, in Minecraft.
4.5 tonnes of food donated to residents on the Island needing help in December. You can show your support at fundraising sale this Saturday at foodbank HQ
Seely says, “This is not just about housing and protecting from overdevelopment: it is about protecting landscape in perpetuity and is part of a green agenda for the Island too"