More than 10,000 women in the Isle of Wight constituency have been negatively impacted by the State Pension age changes as a result of the lack of notification by the Government
Get into the festive spirit at the Classic Christmas Film Festival hosted by Age UK Isle of Wight. All of the profits raised over the weekend will stay on the Island to support the most vulnerable older people in our communities.
Cllr Love praises his Adult Social Care teams for their innovative work in the last year and warns that 2023 is going to be a year which significantly challenges the finances of us all
So far the Phoenix Ladies Darts Team have donated £1,435 to the stroke unit and we will keep going in memory of Rita Newsham, who sadly passed away in June 2015.
Bethan Christopher has landed a deal with Trigger, mental health and wellbeing publisher, and believes it's going to "brilliant, bold, beautiful adventure"