There was good news and bad as the Island saw the highest every number of first timers over the summer, but the overall; number of visitors dropped due to Bestival leaving the Island and that awful wet weather.
Visit Isle of Wight have knocked Visit Cornwall off the top spot in the social media league table after their social media activity is recognised as one of the best in the country. Well done to them all!
After five years in the job, David Thornton has decided it's time to move on from his role as the head of Visit Isle of Wight. We hope his replacement is just as dynamic.
Although traditional coach visitor and scheduled tours have declined across the UK in recent years, private hire trips, organised by groups and companies are increasing and have a higher spend per head.
Following a deferment in November, the judge has now delivered the sentencing on the woman who stole £34k from Visit Isle of Wight. The head of VIoW speaks.