Cllr Love says, "There may be some stumbles, but we are motivated to do our very best becoming stronger in our determination to be inclusive, fair and caring for Island people"
There is a long way to go still, says Cllr Love, and the public will be involved over the coming months, but these images give you an idea of what's possible
The application for an exploratory well pad is currently under public consultation, but inconsistencies and discrepancies in the way the application has been advertised have been raised
In response to a 22 year business in East Cowes, who said the failures of the floating bridge resulted in her business being decimated, leader of the Isle of Wight council, Dave Stewart, said “I think some of it is down to your business case. I haven’t seen Waitrose close"
The MP criticised the Isle of Wight council for how little they're willing to talk to him about the housing crisis. He said the government target is totally unsustainable.
The trip to see the old Floating Bridge, that the council sold three years ago, was organised so councillors could determine the condition of the vessel
The Isle of Wight councillor for East Cowes says the Solent LEP consultation for the floating bridge was a "shockingly poor example of community engagement".
When answering a question about Trans people, MP Bob Seely allegedly said, “Depending on what colour of dress they wear on that day” on a Zoom call with representatives of the Isle of Wight Parish and Town councils. We have details of the complaint